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Write a chapter in our new book;
'Menopause - Wise Women don't Whisper'
50 women spill their stories and secrets to flowing through menopause

Are you perimenopausal, in menopause or post-menopausal?
We'd love your contribution...see below for details

Photo credit: @thenordiclensphotography, model: @karen_pullan_yoga - with great thanks

Women once never spoke about periods, let alone menopause and the word ‘perimenopause’ still seems relatively new! But finally, it’s out in the open and this book is paving the way for more women to have open, honest and real conversations about this time in our lives.


This book will be a sharing of stories, from real women. Not only how they’re surviving menopause but how they’re thriving and what’s genuinely making a difference.


You'll share your stories, how menopause presented itself...demystifying and destigmatising this very natural transition.


'Older' no long means 'invisible', 'retirement' and 'weight gain', it means reinvention, transition and finding ourselves!


You'll be sharing what helped you...everything from herbs, dietary changes, intermittent fasting, acupuncture, HRT, stretching and everything in between...nothing is off limits!


This is will be a menopause bible, a lifeline for some, to know they're not alone. It will be an inspirational book for women everywhere to reclaim hope through the menopause, to find sisterhood, inspiration and their energy…and we need your voice!

The Menopause


Aside from the physical shifts and changes, which you’ll share at your own discretion – you’ll also share the emotional shake up of this rite of passage. For it’s clear to us going through it now, that it’s a ‘rebranding’ of sorts, it’s about becoming more ‘us’, we become more outspoken, less tolerant of fools and wiser.


Menopausal women are discovering themselves, their sexuality, their dreams are floating to the surface and we’re declaring this is our time…and it is!


Your words in this book will bring up conversations that otherwise would never have been had, we’ll be celebrating this shift and unleashing it as the transformative period (pardon the pun!) that it really is!


Yes it’s about bloating and hot flushes, sex drive crashes and dryness BUT it’s also about expansion, expedited growth…a becoming…an unchaining and it’s sacred, it’s normal and we need to start talking about it.


Our authors will be ready to talk about their own journey, what they expected, what they didn’t and what actually helped in a way that transfers wisdom and modern solutions. You’ll be supporting women you don’t even know, empowering them to honour their own bodies, with hope and humour!


Together, we’ll be inviting women to forgive themselves for ageing, to embrace this time of their lives and shed some light on what really happens…emotionally, physically and spiritually.


This reinvention is Mother Nature's way of bringing forth the Crone - an ancient and sacred archetype honoured across cultures for thousands of years. The Crone represents the wise woman, the elder who held her community's knowledge and wasn't afraid to speak truth to power. Today's menopausal women are reclaiming this powerful legacy - we're becoming the bold ones, the rebellious ones and realising we are the wisdom-keepers.


We're making big decisions with newfound clarity - maybe you divorced in menopause? Maybe you started a new business or retrained? Maybe you travelled and took that gap year you never took as a teen! Maybe you even embraced your sexuality in a deeper way or found a spiritual side you didn't know you had?


We’re challenging the culture of silence and we need you to help break that sound barrier with us!


Menopause was always whispered about, ‘Wise Women don’t Whisper’ now and we’re speaking our truth out loud – join us?



Photo credit: @thenordiclensphotography,

model: @karen_pullan_yoga - with great thanks

The book


This book will serve two purposes:


1. It will show women they're not alone. By sharing our raw, honest stories of menopause - the challenges, the surprises and the wisdom gained - we'll help other women feel seen and understood. They'll recognise their own experiences in yours, and find comfort knowing that this is a shared journey. We want women everywhere to feel supported as they navigate this transition.


2. It will also serve as a practical guide. You will share what you did that worked...everything from herbal remedies, changes in lifestyle, ancient healing techniques such as breathwork or acupuncture, you can talk about HRT too if that helped you, medicinal and natural, we want to hear it all!


And if you're a woman who works by supporting women in menopause, please share your stories and your remedies too; from nutrition to movement, hormone-balancing practices to delicious balancing smoothie recipes - we'll happily share your on-line presence and IG tags if you work in this field too!


We'll be making this a bedside bible for women seeking relief and understanding...and yes, it will be ABSOLUTELY beautiful!


Why write this book?


There are women worldwide feeling blindsided by menopause, struggling alone with symptoms they don't understand, many don’t know how to speak to their husbands or partners about what they’re going through…why they don’t want sex anymore, why they need more time alone, why they might need extra support or a different lifestyle.


Women are seeking answers way beyond standard medical responses too. While medical books offer clinical information, women need real stories from real women who've walked this path. Together, we'll shed light on the full spectrum of the menopause experience - physical, emotional, spiritual - and how we navigated it.


You'll have the opportunity to share what worked for you, the support systems you discovered, and the wisdom you gained. Your story matters.


For women approaching this threshold, this is an intimate glimpse into real menopause journeys. We all experience it differently, but it's always a reunion with our deeper selves.


We are the wisdom keepers of this transition, the sisters who've walked this path, and our experiences could be the words another woman needs to hear.


THIS is a calling to share our menopause stories, to break the silence, and to light the way for others. Write with us?


Who can apply to write?


This is an invitation for women deep in perimenopause and menopause, who have already seen life and their bodies change. 


It's for those brave enough to speak about their story and what worked for them. We want ALL stories, the good ones where you transitioned seamlessly and the ones where you might have struggled before you realised what was happening BUT whatever your story, we'll make sure it's inspirational, giving hope and divulging what worked for you.


It's an opportunity to be real, to inspire, to be seen and heard yourself - no writing experience is necessary.


How it works


My book collaborations all work the same way.


For each collab, I put together an author programme specifically for that book - we all meet on Zoom 4 times, once a week for around 90 minutes to share the details and concept of the book, what we're learning/writing and talk about what might be in our next chapters.


I hold our main communication in small WhatsApp groups (5 or so women in each), to avoid too much overwhelming chatter and so that questions can be asked, support can be invited and authors can share how they're doing.



Photo credit: @thenordiclensphotography, model: @karen_pullan_yoga - with great thanks

What's in it for you?


You get to break the silence and be truly heard - your unique experience matters.


You become part of a powerful sisterhood of voices changing the narrative around menopause.


You get to become a published author.


Your wisdom and solutions will reach women who desperately need to hear they're not alone.


You'll be creating the resource you might have wished for when your journey began.


If you have a business or service supporting women through menopause, we'll showcase your work through your Instagram and website links, connecting you with women who need your expertise.


​You'll see the inside process, I'm a multi Amazon Best-Seller myself and this will be my 18th book, so you're in good hands.


Writing on your own is a lonely task, joining a book collaboration means you do it with a team, it's fun, enjoyable, achievable and faster.


You get to be a published author by contributing just ONE chapter.


No writing experience is necessary - at all


If you've written with me before, welcome back!  If you're already an author in your own right, that's brilliant - come!  But if you've never written anything formally before or anything more than your instagram, please come - you will be fully supported and receive editing and help to make sure your chapter says what you want it to.


Author programme dates for this book are;


Wednesdays 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd April 2025, 10am - 11.30am, UK time   


Many of our authors are in other countries - Europe 11am - 12.30pm, Singapore 5pm - 6.30pm & Melbourne 7pm - 8.30pm


Match your time zone to UK, we record all sessions, so if it's the middle of the night where you are, you can still attend and work with me personally for your chapter.


The programme will be on-line, we'll use Zoom.


Your chapter will be divided up into bite-sized sections.  Each week, you will submit one bite-sized section and will work with me to edit and ensure the book flows and your story is exactly as you want it.


Your chapter will include 1) your personal story of menopause 2) what worked for you and 3) what you'd want your readers to know about their potential!


1st sessionOur opening workshop.  You'll hear the outline of the book, how it will work, our collective aim and receive your first first bite-sized section outline, we'll have a Q&A too

2nd session; Our 2nd bite-sized section will be discussed with Q&A and sharing 

3rd session; Our 3rd bite-sized section will be discussed with Q&A and sharing 

4th session; Our wrap-up session, next steps, congratulations and celebrations!


After that 4th session, it will be my job to edit all your chapters with you and bring the book to the birthing stage - we aim to publish Winter 2025!


Your time commitment


You will be needed for the month of April to be present in the ceremony (or to watch the recording if you're out of time zone availability), to be present in the small WhatsApp group and to write your 3 sections.


After that, I'll be in touch with you for edits and clarifications. 


Our release date


We'll be aiming for publication in Winter 2025.




Your participation costs £425 (installments are available)


This includes everything; the 4 week author programme, the support and mentoring, it also includes layout and design costs plus behind-the-scenes stages such as professional proof-reading and editing. It also covers type setting, cover design and production plus the general look and feel of the book - it will be beautiful to hold and gift to the women in your life.


Who gets the royalties?


As with all of my book collabs, all proceeds go to the charity I support, Bali Street Mums which does incredible work with the women and children on the streets of Bali. Menopause on the streets of Bali without any aid, is such a difficult experience, and Bali Street Mums supports women through this time with medical aid, education and community. It's a very small charity that I have worked very closely with since 2020.


You are fully supported


Whether you already have experience of publishing/writing or you're brand new, I will fully support you in this process.  You'll have direct access to me on WhatsApp, we can organise 1:1 chats and we'll be in contact closely when it comes to the edits for your chapter, we'll work together to get it just right and when the time comes for us to decide your chapter is finished, you'll sign your chapter off to give me permission to put it in the book- nothing will be published without your written agreement.


How and where are the books published?


The books are all self published through Amazon.  It means they're on sale all around the world and are very easy to access and find on the net.


The 'launch' and the publicity


With so many authors on the writing team, we all become the publicity!  Each author gets personalised material to send out to promote the big launch date, everyone is encouraged to talk on social media about their chapter, to post about the book, talk about it and invite people to the launch party - usually we have a Zoom launch party where we interview the authors etc - it's a VERY exciting time!




Apply by clicking on the APPLY NOW link and tell me about your story, what has helped you and why you want to write!

© 2021 by Lynette Allen Ltd, UK




Medicine for Women

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